Friday, April 28, 2006


中國一直有很多生意人生產冒牌貨... 有光碟、電腦軟件、手飾、手袋, etc... 不過最近更過份... 出現了冒牌法拉利跑車。 ¯\(o_º)/¯

歐盟司法及內政專員弗拉蒂尼諷刺這種侵權行為說﹕「這種型號的跑車,法拉利原廠只生產6部,這是第7部,大陸製造的。」 (-_-#)

法拉利跑車係我嘅 dream car... 只有 dream 裏面才能擁有和駕駛的 car... (-.-)zzZ
除非我嫁個超級有錢嘅老公... 唔係都買唔起... (._.)
不過... 現在有冒牌法拉利出售... 可能將來每人都可以擁有一架法拉利啦.... 哈哈哈.... (^_~)

Wednesday, April 26, 2006


今日有D衰人把垃圾扔掉在我的 front yard... 垃圾袋內是用來保護電腦的白色 foam... 整個 front yard 都是那些 foam... 垃圾中還有兩本 manuals... 其中一本是 US Robotics 28.8K modem 嘅 manual...

唉... 都唔知邊個咁無良... ┐('~`;)┌ 把我的 front yard 當做垃圾站... woo woo woo....
真想"丙"D衰人... (9ò_ó)-o

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Ta Ta 大俠

今晚, 我和 Ta Ta 肥俠 一起打 squash... Oops... 應該係 Ta Ta 大俠...
點解 Ta Ta 變咗大俠??
因為她在頭中間紮了一條鞭... 好似古裝戲中的大俠那樣... 哈哈哈哈哈....
她的新造形令我笑到停不了.... 笑到肚痛... 哈哈哈哈....

神秘人 (上集)

今日由朝開會開到晚... 只得 lunch 一個 break... 不過都好... 今日可以5點幾放工... (^o^)

有個神秘人返咗嚟 Toronto... 好開心見到那個神秘人... (^_~)
神秘人係邊個? 哈哈哈哈
心思思, 有件事, 遇疑難, 唔話你知!!! (b~_^)b

Wednesday, April 19, 2006


今晚又放了 TaTa 飛機... 沒有去 YMCA 打 squash... :(
她遲早把我砍開幾塊.... 哈哈哈....

最近工作好忙... 今日做到9點才放工... 好倦... 回到家還要煮飯食... 差不多餓死...
唔夠睡眠時間又沒打 squash... 可能因為這樣所以咳還未好... 唉...
明夭又要早起開會... 9點開會... 要7點幾起身... 這麼早... 真不想起身...

Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Dangerous vegetables from China!!

The latest deadly food from China is vegetables!! 農藥蔬菜!!


What's wrong with the Business people in China? Don't they have respect for life? It seems to me that they only care about money, money, and more money. They don't care whether the food will kill people or not... It's like Chineses killing Chineses.... :'(

As a Chinese, I really feel sad and angry...

China already has a long history of deadly food prior to the dangerous farm chemical vegetables:
- purple dye yam
- fake eggs
- fake power milk for babies
- thousand year moon cake (moon cake made with old lotus paste)
- soy sauce made with hair
- snacks that use oil from sewage
- 孔雀石綠淡水魚
- 冒牌午餐肉罐頭
- etc.

The list is soooooo long that I don't remember all....

When can we see an end to this?? :(


Yesterday, there was a news in HK about 染髮....
It's so scary.... Colouring your hairs might cause cancer.... Even though I only do highlights, but the dyes used for highlight and for colouring all hairs are the same.... This makes me wonder whether I should do highlights or not... :(
Well.... since I do highlights every 3 to 6 months.... I guess it should be ok....
This is another example of the chinese saying: "Girls want beauty but not life"... ;-)



中大臨床腫瘤科學系榮譽教授張文龍表示,英國曾進行研究,發現染髮人士患淋巴瘤的機會增加。 香港沒有個案顯示病人因使用染髮劑直接引致白血病,但醫學界相信,不少染髮劑含有多種致癌物質,他不排除長期染髮有致癌風險,故腫瘤科醫生會提醒癌症病人切忌染髮。


Monday, April 17, 2006

終於 hand in 咗張 form!!

我今日終於 hand in 咗張受浸form。

Friday, April 14, 2006


I am having so much fun with videos on, which is a web site for people to upload & share videos.

I found a lot of Andy Lau videos.... ;-)

Here are two of them....
1) Andy performing magic

2) Green tea commercial

I also find other interesting videos too....
Like "Lois & Clark: The New Superman Adventures" videos....

Like "X-files" videos....

These are two of my favourite TV shows.... People make music videos using scenes from the show... It's really amazing.... The music videos are very good.... like it's professionally made.....

Here is a funny one.... [Celebrity Deathmatch] MIB vs X-Files ....

I also found South Park Scientology too.... Wich Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman in South Park.... hahahahaha....

Thursday, April 13, 2006

Honda Accord Ad

The following is one of my favourite commercials. Enjoy!!

This advertisement was shot in real time with no CGI. It required 606 takes, cost $6 million to shoot, and took 3 months to complete.

Isn't it amazing?? ;-)

Monday, April 10, 2006

new calendar

I've added a new calendar in my blog using JavaScript Calendar 1.0.

If you want to try this, the instruction is here:


昨日... 我隻左眼突然又紅咗...
我當然立刻除 contacts 啦... 今日整日都帶 glasses...
今次只係左眼眼紅紅... 唔知點解眼紅呢??
可能D咳 virus 去咗眼度??? ┐('~`;)┌
今年好似特別多身體毛病... 點解呢??

Porche 跑車

昨晚同班 friends 去 Go For Tea 飲嘢... 走的時侯... 在 parking lot 見到一架白色 porsche 跑車... wow... 好型!! 超正!!
第一次在 public 地方見到靚車 (可能平時無留意...) :P
我班 friends 當然爭住話架靚車係佢地㗎啦... 哈哈哈哈哈...

Saturday, April 8, 2006

My little girl

I brought a new little girl sometime ago... and I finally replace my little girl with the new girl... (ö ö)
What am I talking about??
Don't worry.... no missing children are involved.... hee hee....
I am just talking about my cell phone decloration... ( ~^_^)~

Little girl is supposed to be naughty and dirty... hee hee...
But a lot of people have complained that she is too dirty.... So I replace her....

She is all clean now... (^^ .)\\//

(The girl on the left is my old little girl. The girl on the right is my new little girl. ^^ )

Sleepy Pig

我今日做咗隻 sleepy pig... 由朝睡到晚... (~_~)zzzZ
睡醒後覺得好咗D... 好似咳小咗...
希望可以快一點 healthy again!!! \(^o^)/

Friday, April 7, 2006

Hello Kitty Hotel

今日 Ta Ta send 咗個關於 Hello Kitty Hotel 的 email 比我...
Wow... 間屋好靚啊!!! 超可愛!!!
如果這間屋係我嘅就 perfect 啦!!!
每日見著 hello kitty... 人都開心D... 哈哈哈 :D

Thursday, April 6, 2006


Below is another one of those forward emails that I got...
I like getting forward emails... because they are either funny stuffs or meaningful stuffs... ;-)

A group of working adults got together to visit their University lecturer.

The Lecturer was happy to see them. Conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life. The Lecturer just smiled and went to the Kitchen to get an assortment of cups - some porcelain, some in plastic, some In glass, some plain looking and some looked rather expensive and Exquisite. The Lecturer offered his former students the cups to get drinks for themselves. When all the students had a cup in hand with water, the Lecturer spoke, If you noticed, all the nice looking, expensive cups were taken up, leaving behind the plain and cheap ones. While it is normal that you only want the best for yourselves, that is the source of your problems and stress. What all you wanted was water, not the cup, but we unconsciously went for the better cups."Just like in life, if Life is Water, then the jobs, money and position in society are the cups. They are just tools to hold / maintain Life, but the quality of Life doesn't change."

"If we only concentrate on the cup, we won't have time to enjoy / taste the water in it.

If we are always concentrated with work and other stuffs... then we won't have time to enjoy life...


最近晚晚都睡不好... 差不多睡著又咳醒... 好不容易睡著又整晚咳醒...
昨晚差不多兩點半才睡著... 今早九點半起身... 七個鐘內醒咗四次... 唉...
希望今晚可以好好睡一覺啦!! (^o^)

Tuesday, April 4, 2006


今朝等咗兩個幾鐘... (-_-#) 終於見到醫生...
我叫醫生開種勁D嘅咳藥比我... 點知醫生話我之前食那種咳藥巳經係最勁...
既然醫生話可以食兩茶匙... 我當然食兩茶匙啦... 因為我真的不想再咳了...
點知食完之後我仍然咳到想死... ~~~~>_<~~~~

我一定係 alien... 不然的話... 為什麼那種咳藥唔 work??? (-_-;)

那種咳藥會令人 drowsy... 我好想睡... (=_=) 但又咳到睡唔到... (O_O) 真慘!!!

一句歌詞 pops up in my head... 係古巨基首"勁歌金曲"內的一句... "神啊 救救我吧"!!

Monday, April 3, 2006

Another Athens Pastries store...

After knowing that there is an Athens Pastries store in my neighbourhood, I was very eager to go and I had the perfect opportunity last Friday. Since I had to attend a meeting at 2550 Victoria Park after lunch, I decided to have lunch at Athens.

Athens Pastries
2567 Victoria Park Avenue,
Scarborough, ON M1T 1A4
Tel. : 416-491-0095

This Athens store looked exactly like the one downtown.

I wanted to try something that I had not try before in the downtown store: minced meat philo pastry and Galakto Bouriko. Unfortunately, the minced meat philo pastry was out and I didn't have time to wait. So, I ordered Spanakopita (flaky philo pastry stuffed with a thin layer of Spinach and Feta Cheese) and Galakto Bouriko (thick slices of custard sandwiched between thin layers of philo pastry).

Well, the portion of spanakopita in this store was smaller than the downtown store by 1/5 (I think). The philo pastry was not as fresh and flaky. I guess more people visit the downtown store, so the pastries in that store are better as the turnover is faster. Anyway, the pastry was still good.

The galakto bouriko was very delicious. Between thin layers of philo pastry, there was a thick layer of custard and honey. This pastry was like a mixture of loukoumades (honey drenched little balls of fried dough) and bougatsa (flaky philo pastry stuffed with a thin layer of custard). Every bite was filled with honey, custard, and flaky philo pastry. :-9

Next time, I might buy those ready-made frozen philo pastries and bake them at home. ;-)

Japanese Restaurants that I want to go...

When I am sick and can't go out, there is a lot of time for me to go through flyers.... and I came across a flyer for Japanese Restaurants....

Here is a list of Japanese Restaurants that I want to go... after I am healthy again.... ;-)

#1 (Most wanted!!)
655 Bay Street
(NE corner of Bay & Elm)
I want to try the Rotating Sushi Bar.
I also want to try the Omakaze (Chef's tasting menu), which is $55, $65, or $75 per person.

#2 (Second most wanted!!)
Blue Zen
2561 Yonge St.
(Yonge & Sherwood)
I want to try the signature rolls. :-9

1835 Yonge St. #101
(Yonge & Davisville)

Sushi Supreme
1995 Yonge St.
(Yonge & Eglinton)
It has a sushi roll that looks like a dragon. I want to try that!!

Sunday, April 2, 2006

Aunt's birthday

Today is Tai-E's birthday. As usual, this is a family event. ;-)

Let's sing the birthday song to her.... \(^o^)/
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Tai-E,
Happy birthday to you!!

We have the usual cake-cutting in the afternoon. At night, we went to mandarin for buffet dinner... yummy yummy.... :-9

I want to murder my throat!!

I want to kill my throat ar... (ò ó) I cough so much that it's like I am trying to cough my lungs out... :(
I didn't have a good sleep last night... My cough kept waking me up... So, I feel like a panda today... (@_@)

Two more days to go before I can see my doctor... I try to book an appointment last Thurs... My doctor is only available on coming Tues... If I have a critical illness, I would've dead by now.... (-_-#) Now a days..... It's so hard to book a doctor's appointment. (T_T)