Sunday, March 19, 2006

Cell Group Gathering

Today at church.... a couple of people told me that I look skinnier ar.... so happy ar.... :D

Today is also our cell group gathering day... We watch a movie together... the name of the movie is "天地孩兒 "...

每個胎兒形成的過程絕對是一個偉大的神蹟! 從胎兒形成到離開塵世,人若知道生命的真相及目的,就不會枉過此生。 作為新生兒科權威的余卓曦醫生,曾經作出一個極度艱難的決定。 作為一個深愛妻子的丈夫,他竟無能為力。但多年來,上帝的恩典透過余醫生夫婦(劉松仁, 商天娥) 的經歷祝福更多幼小的生命。二十多年後,上帝竟差遣一位很特別的天使(陳鍵鋒)來到他們當中。 Thomas 是余醫生二十多年前在生死邊緣救活的早產嬰孩,長大後卻是一位失聰的新生兒科醫生,但他卻不明白自己的生存目的! 龍哥(狄龍)過的是刀邊口的日子,外表兇悍,內心所充滿的卻是恐懼,罪咎感控制著他的人生,但他很愛錫妻兒。他所見到的一切讓他明白,什麼才是真正愛的力量。

This is a very touching movie...

God never promises that terrible things won't happen to us, but He helps us to face and overcome those terrible things...God makes bad things to become good things... Because of our past experiences (good or bad), we can use our lives to affect other people's lives....

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