Monday, March 5, 2012

蒸水蛋 Steamed Eggs

Read an article today from Yahoo News about steamed eggs.... a very traditional Chinese dish... 

It's another example of No Pain No Gain!!  ^o^

The amount of time spent on whisking the eggs is very important. 
If you want to have smooth steamed eggs, you need to whisk the eggs for 20 mins.   (No pain no gain!!!  I guess my hand will be sore after the whisking. :P   )
Also, you need to slowly add water while whisking.  On average, for each egg, you need to add water that's 3 times the amount of an egg.
After whisking is done, let it sit for 5 mins and then use a spoon to scoop away the surface bubbles.
The plate holding the egg mixture should be less than 1 inch in dept and let it steam for 8-10 mins.

I wonder how long I need to whisk the eggs if I use a electrical mixer... ;-)


星島日報 – 2012年3月5日



   要做一個最香最滑的水蛋,技巧在於耐性。我記得在我初入行的時候,曾經向酒家負責蒸菜的師傳請教,如何做好一個蒸水蛋,他第一句說話就問我,一般打發蛋的時間要多少?我說三至五分鐘,他便告訴我,這就是做不出好的蒸水蛋問題所在。要做一個又香又滑的蒸水蛋,一般打發蛋的時間是二十分鐘,而在打發的時候,要慢慢加水,要加多少水,就要視乎你想做的水蛋要淡味一點,還是濃味一點,一般我們行內的標準是一隻蛋加三隻蛋分量的水。打發好了的水蛋在拿去蒸之前,要先放平,靜止五分鐘,在入爐前,把浮在蛋漿面層的小氣泡挑走。至於蒸的時間要多久,就要視乎你用來蒸水蛋的容器深度,最好是不超過一吋深,因為太深的容器會導致水蛋面層過熟而入面未熟的問題,而太淺的容器就是太難控制火候,一般用一吋深的容器,大概蒸八至十分鐘即可。   (男煮角 黃永幟)


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