Monday, April 25, 2011

Free PDUs from Webinars

Well... In order to renew PMP status, we need to get 60 PDUs.
Since I don't want to spend money attending courses, I try to find free webinars to satisfy the PDUs.
Here are some sites that I found are good.  I'll add more to this list when I find them.

[Last updated: 2012-03-15]

Recorded Webinars - free all the time:

Recorded Webinars - free for limited time:

Live Webinars:

  • Some sites may appear more than once because it has recorded and live webinars.
  • I only included sites where it is easy for users to claim PDUs.  The sites where it claims the webinars can claim PDU but claiming info is not easily available.  I did not include them.
  • I also did not include sites that only offer one or two free webinars.

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