Friday, November 5, 2010

Banana Sour Cream Cake

Well, I have some sour cream left over from Waldorf Salad.
Since the sour cream will be expiring soon, I've decided to do some baking.
I've found the following recipe.  It is known on web as 瓊妮老太太 recipe.
I didn't add cinnamon or nuts.   Since my purpose is to use up the sour cream, I didn't add extra bananas.   I think this recipe will taste even better with more bananas. 
Also, I used muffin cups and bake them for approx. 20 mins. 

The cake is good! :-)
I wish there is a way to keep the muffin top crispy for a few days.


1 條奶油 butter (= 1/2 杯)
1 杯糖 sugar
2 個蛋(先打成蛋汁,以便徐徐倒入)
1 杯中筋麵粉 all purpose flour
1/2 杯全麥麵粉 whole wheat flour
1 小匙蘇打粉 baking soda
1 1/2 小匙肉桂粉 cinnamon
1 1/4 杯香蕉泥 mashed banana(大約三條香蕉去皮,用叉子壓壓,擣成泥狀)
1/2 杯酸奶油 sour cream (可用原味優格代替)
1 小匙香草精 vanilla
1 杯乾果仁 nuts



1. 烤盤噴油防沾,或鋪上烤盤紙,烤箱預熱華氏350度(攝氏175度)
2. 麵粉/蘇打粉/肉桂粉置於碗或塑膠袋內,混合均勻
3. 奶油室溫軟化,或置於可微波的大碗中,微波加熱20秒軟化
4. 加入糖打至膨鬆
5. 加入蛋汁打勻
6. 加入香蕉泥/酸奶油/香草精續打勻
7. 分次加入粉類拌勻
8. 拌入乾果仁
9. 倒入烤盤,烤1小時或以牙籤插入不沾即可


. 香蕉愈熟愈香,快要爛掉的香蕉用來烤蛋糕最合適了。平常可以先把過熟的香蕉去皮裝入塑膠袋冷凍保存。解凍後,隔著塑膠袋用手抓捏幾下就成泥了,顏色會變深,但不影響成品。

. 喜歡鬆軟口感者,可將全麥改以低筋麵粉代替。

Recipe from:

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