Saturday, April 8, 2006

My little girl

I brought a new little girl sometime ago... and I finally replace my little girl with the new girl... (ö ö)
What am I talking about??
Don't worry.... no missing children are involved.... hee hee....
I am just talking about my cell phone decloration... ( ~^_^)~

Little girl is supposed to be naughty and dirty... hee hee...
But a lot of people have complained that she is too dirty.... So I replace her....

She is all clean now... (^^ .)\\//

(The girl on the left is my old little girl. The girl on the right is my new little girl. ^^ )


Anonymous said...

好彩你話比我知你條電話繩係 Little Girl 嚟啫...如果唔係我仲意為係舊炭呢架... Warhaha
Ta Ta (^^)

Ada said...

Wa... 你要check吓你的眼鏡la... 居然話 Little Girl 係舊炭... hahahahaha...
Little Girl 只係小小 dirty 咋... ;)