Wednesday, May 11, 2011

How to install IIS on Windows XP SP3 without installation CD

I have the installation discs, but they are somewhere at home and it'll probably take me long time to find them.
After searching in the web, this is the method that I use to install IIS on Win XP SP3:
  1. Download Windows XP SP3 patch from The Software Patch
  2. Open the downloaded exe file using winRAR and extract the files to a local folder (folderX)
  3. Download the IIS 5.1 required files from AP Dubey tech corner and extract the files to a local folder (folderY)  [I guess I could've used all files from this site, but since this site is for Win XP SP2, I've decided to use SP3 patch files if the file exists in SP3 patch.]
  4. Go to Control Panel from Start menu in your computer 
  5. Double click Add or Remove Programs
  6. Select Add/Remove Windows Components on the left
  7. In the Windows Components wizard window, put a check mark beside IIS and click Next.
  8. When prompt for "staxmem.dl_" file, use the browse button to find it in [folderX]\i386\staxmem.dl_
  9. When prompt for "adsutil.vbs" file, use the browse button to find it in [folderX]\i386\ip\adsutil.vb_
  10. When prompt for other files, you'll find them in

After installation is completed, you can open IIS by:
  1. Go to Control Panel from Start menu
  2. Double click Administrative Tools
  3. Double click Internet Information Services

The default web publishing directory for IIS is:

Copy your personal web pages to this folder.

IIS will search for the default page in the following sequence by default:
You can change the name and sequence of default document.

If all setup is completed, you should see your site using following URL in your browser.

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