Free Up Memory by Clearing the Logs
In the Home Screen, hold down the ALT key and then type "LGLG".
To delete the logs, press the MENU key and then select "Clear Log".
This will help your blackberry to run faster.
"Help Me" Screen for Device, System Data
Help Me screen displays useful device and system information:
vendor ID, Platform version, App version, PIN, IMEI, Uptime, signal strength, battery level, free file space and total used space.
To pull up the Help Me screen, hold down ALT and SHIFT key together and press H.
To return to Home Screen, press ESCAPE or open the MENU and select Close.
Reboot Blackberry without taking out battery
Press ALT, RIGHT SHIFT (the right bottom one) and DEL together
Thursday, December 9, 2010
Useful Blackberry tips and tricks - Message
When you are in the message screen...
Press spacebar to scroll down a page/screen at a time.
Press shift and space key together to scroll back a page/screen at a time.
Press b to move to bottom of the message list.
Press t to move to top of the message list.
Press u to jump to the next unread message.
Press n to move to next date.
Press p to move to previous date
Within a message...
Press r to Reply.
Press l to Reply to all.
Press f to Forward this message.
In the message body, type the following AutoText entries followed by the SPACEBAR will insert information into the message.
mypin - Inserts BlackBerry PIN number.
mynumber - Inserts BlackBerry Phone number.
myver - Inserts BlackBerry Model number / Software version.
ld - current date
lt - current time
Press SPACE twice - to end sentence with a period.
Different blackberry models might have different shortcuts...
Check here if the above shortcuts don't work for you.
Press spacebar to scroll down a page/screen at a time.
Press shift and space key together to scroll back a page/screen at a time.
Press b to move to bottom of the message list.
Press t to move to top of the message list.
Press u to jump to the next unread message.
Press n to move to next date.
Press p to move to previous date
Within a message...
Press r to Reply.
Press l to Reply to all.
Press f to Forward this message.
In the message body, type the following AutoText entries followed by the SPACEBAR will insert information into the message.
mypin - Inserts BlackBerry PIN number.
mynumber - Inserts BlackBerry Phone number.
myver - Inserts BlackBerry Model number / Software version.
ld - current date
lt - current time
Press SPACE twice - to end sentence with a period.
Different blackberry models might have different shortcuts...
Check here if the above shortcuts don't work for you.
Useful Blackberry tips and tricks - Calendar
When you are in the Calendar screen...
Press T to go to "Today" in the Calendar screen.
Press N or Space to go to Next (day, week or month, depending on the view you are in).
Press P to go to Previous: (day, week or month, depending on the view you are in).
Click Trackball to create a new entry.
Press A to go to Agenda View.
Press M to go to Monthly View.
Press W to go to Weekly View.
Press D to go to Daily View.
Press G to go to a specific date in the Calendar screen.
Press T to go to "Today" in the Calendar screen.
Press N or Space to go to Next (day, week or month, depending on the view you are in).
Press P to go to Previous: (day, week or month, depending on the view you are in).
Click Trackball to create a new entry.
Press A to go to Agenda View.
Press M to go to Monthly View.
Press W to go to Weekly View.
Press D to go to Daily View.
Press G to go to a specific date in the Calendar screen.
Tuesday, November 16, 2010
清明上河圖是中國十大名畫之一...屬一級國寶... 是北宋張擇端的作品... 描繪了北宋故都汴京的景色...
English name for 清明上河圖 is "Along the River during Ching-ming festival".
Now a day... People use different technologies to convert this painting into animation...
China animated the painting and showed it in Shanghai World Expo.
Taiwan also did something similar on their website:
Some people would argue that animation is not as good and beautiful as the original painting. But who cares....
I am not an artistic person. I won't spend lots of time studying a painting.
Personally, I like the Taiwanese animated version. It's cute. It keeps me interested.
I guess this is the problem with modern age. Everyone wants everything fast... moving... and exciting.... ;)
English name for 清明上河圖 is "Along the River during Ching-ming festival".
Now a day... People use different technologies to convert this painting into animation...
China animated the painting and showed it in Shanghai World Expo.
Taiwan also did something similar on their website:
Some people would argue that animation is not as good and beautiful as the original painting. But who cares....
I am not an artistic person. I won't spend lots of time studying a painting.
Personally, I like the Taiwanese animated version. It's cute. It keeps me interested.
I guess this is the problem with modern age. Everyone wants everything fast... moving... and exciting.... ;)
Friday, November 5, 2010
Banana Sour Cream Cake
Well, I have some sour cream left over from Waldorf Salad.
Since the sour cream will be expiring soon, I've decided to do some baking.
I've found the following recipe. It is known on web as 瓊妮老太太 recipe.
I didn't add cinnamon or nuts. Since my purpose is to use up the sour cream, I didn't add extra bananas. I think this recipe will taste even better with more bananas.
Also, I used muffin cups and bake them for approx. 20 mins.
The cake is good! :-)
I wish there is a way to keep the muffin top crispy for a few days.
1 條奶油 butter (= 1/2 杯)
1 杯糖 sugar
2 個蛋(先打成蛋汁,以便徐徐倒入)
1 杯中筋麵粉 all purpose flour
1/2 杯全麥麵粉 whole wheat flour
1 小匙蘇打粉 baking soda
1 1/2 小匙肉桂粉 cinnamon
1 1/4 杯香蕉泥 mashed banana(大約三條香蕉去皮,用叉子壓壓,擣成泥狀)
1/2 杯酸奶油 sour cream (可用原味優格代替)
1 小匙香草精 vanilla
1 杯乾果仁 nuts
1. 烤盤噴油防沾,或鋪上烤盤紙,烤箱預熱華氏350度(攝氏175度)
2. 麵粉/蘇打粉/肉桂粉置於碗或塑膠袋內,混合均勻
3. 奶油室溫軟化,或置於可微波的大碗中,微波加熱20秒軟化
4. 加入糖打至膨鬆
5. 加入蛋汁打勻
6. 加入香蕉泥/酸奶油/香草精續打勻
7. 分次加入粉類拌勻
8. 拌入乾果仁
9. 倒入烤盤,烤1小時或以牙籤插入不沾即可
. 香蕉愈熟愈香,快要爛掉的香蕉用來烤蛋糕最合適了。平常可以先把過熟的香蕉去皮裝入塑膠袋冷凍保存。解凍後,隔著塑膠袋用手抓捏幾下就成泥了,顏色會變深,但不影響成品。
. 喜歡鬆軟口感者,可將全麥改以低筋麵粉代替。
Recipe from:
Since the sour cream will be expiring soon, I've decided to do some baking.
I've found the following recipe. It is known on web as 瓊妮老太太 recipe.
I didn't add cinnamon or nuts. Since my purpose is to use up the sour cream, I didn't add extra bananas. I think this recipe will taste even better with more bananas.
Also, I used muffin cups and bake them for approx. 20 mins.
The cake is good! :-)
I wish there is a way to keep the muffin top crispy for a few days.
1 條奶油 butter (= 1/2 杯)
1 杯糖 sugar
2 個蛋(先打成蛋汁,以便徐徐倒入)
1 杯中筋麵粉 all purpose flour
1/2 杯全麥麵粉 whole wheat flour
1 小匙蘇打粉 baking soda
1 1/2 小匙肉桂粉 cinnamon
1 1/4 杯香蕉泥 mashed banana(大約三條香蕉去皮,用叉子壓壓,擣成泥狀)
1/2 杯酸奶油 sour cream (可用原味優格代替)
1 小匙香草精 vanilla
1 杯乾果仁 nuts
1. 烤盤噴油防沾,或鋪上烤盤紙,烤箱預熱華氏350度(攝氏175度)
2. 麵粉/蘇打粉/肉桂粉置於碗或塑膠袋內,混合均勻
3. 奶油室溫軟化,或置於可微波的大碗中,微波加熱20秒軟化
4. 加入糖打至膨鬆
5. 加入蛋汁打勻
6. 加入香蕉泥/酸奶油/香草精續打勻
7. 分次加入粉類拌勻
8. 拌入乾果仁
9. 倒入烤盤,烤1小時或以牙籤插入不沾即可
. 香蕉愈熟愈香,快要爛掉的香蕉用來烤蛋糕最合適了。平常可以先把過熟的香蕉去皮裝入塑膠袋冷凍保存。解凍後,隔著塑膠袋用手抓捏幾下就成泥了,顏色會變深,但不影響成品。
. 喜歡鬆軟口感者,可將全麥改以低筋麵粉代替。
Recipe from:
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Waldorf Salad - Try #2 - Success!
This is my second try using a different recipe found on web.
I've made some changes to it... I didn't add walnuts and I used fresh grapes (cut in half) instead of raisins.
Waldorf Salad Recipe
Servings = 8 | Serving size =3/4 cup
This recipe is listed as 30 minutes active cooking time, but you will need to allow an additional two hours for chilling afterwards. Fortunately, this recipe keeps fairly well refrigerated for about 2 days.
2 medium granny smith apples
1 medium red delicious apple
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup celery
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise
1/4 cup low-fat sour cream
1 1/2 tsp honey
Mix the cubed apples with the lemon juice.
Add celery, walnuts and raisins. Toss.
Add mayonnaise, sour cream and honey and gently fold together until well blended.
Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
From Dr. Gourmet
It is good! :D
Try #2 is a success!!!
This one is similar to the one Wen had on the cruise.
It's easy to make for a potluck party. ;-)
I've made some changes to it... I didn't add walnuts and I used fresh grapes (cut in half) instead of raisins.
Waldorf Salad Recipe
Servings = 8 | Serving size =3/4 cup
This recipe is listed as 30 minutes active cooking time, but you will need to allow an additional two hours for chilling afterwards. Fortunately, this recipe keeps fairly well refrigerated for about 2 days.
2 medium granny smith apples
1 medium red delicious apple
1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
1 cup celery
1/4 cup walnuts
1/4 cup raisins
1/4 cup low-fat mayonnaise
1/4 cup low-fat sour cream
1 1/2 tsp honey
Mix the cubed apples with the lemon juice.
Add celery, walnuts and raisins. Toss.
Add mayonnaise, sour cream and honey and gently fold together until well blended.
Chill for at least 2 hours before serving.
From Dr. Gourmet
It is good! :D
Try #2 is a success!!!
This one is similar to the one Wen had on the cruise.
It's easy to make for a potluck party. ;-)
Monday, October 18, 2010
Waldorf Salad - Try #1
Wen had Waldorf Salad on the cruise and really liked it.
I only have a small bite, but it's good.
Since Waldorf Salad uses easy ingredients, I've decided to make it.
This salad got its name from the luxurious Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. Invented in 1896 not by a chef but by the maître d'hôtel Oscar Tschirky, the Waldorf salad was an instant success.
I searched the internet and found an easy recipe.
This is going to be my Try #1.
Waldorf Salad Recipe
* 1/2 cup chopped, slightly toasted walnuts
* 1/2 cup celery, thinly sliced
* 1/2 cup red seedless grapes, sliced (or a 1/4 cup of raisins)
* 1 sweet apple, cored and chopped
* 3 Tbsp mayonnaise
* 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
* Salt
* Pepper
* Lettuce
In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise (or yogurt) and the lemon juice. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ground pepper. Mix in the apple, celery, grapes, and walnuts. Serve on a bed of fresh lettuce.
Serves 2.
From Simple Recipes
I've made one salad with celery for Wen and one salad without celery for myself.
The taste of this salad is different from the one I had on the cruise.
Comparing to the one from cruise, this one is:
- more sour
- more sauce
Also, I think the one from cruise doesn't have pepper.
I only have a small bite, but it's good.
Since Waldorf Salad uses easy ingredients, I've decided to make it.
This salad got its name from the luxurious Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in New York. Invented in 1896 not by a chef but by the maître d'hôtel Oscar Tschirky, the Waldorf salad was an instant success.
I searched the internet and found an easy recipe.
This is going to be my Try #1.
Waldorf Salad Recipe
* 1/2 cup chopped, slightly toasted walnuts
* 1/2 cup celery, thinly sliced
* 1/2 cup red seedless grapes, sliced (or a 1/4 cup of raisins)
* 1 sweet apple, cored and chopped
* 3 Tbsp mayonnaise
* 1 Tbsp fresh lemon juice
* Salt
* Pepper
* Lettuce
In a medium sized bowl, whisk together the mayonnaise (or yogurt) and the lemon juice. Add 1/2 teaspoon of salt, 1/4 teaspoon of fresh ground pepper. Mix in the apple, celery, grapes, and walnuts. Serve on a bed of fresh lettuce.
Serves 2.
From Simple Recipes
I've made one salad with celery for Wen and one salad without celery for myself.
The taste of this salad is different from the one I had on the cruise.
Comparing to the one from cruise, this one is:
- more sour
- more sauce
Also, I think the one from cruise doesn't have pepper.
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Grandma still in hospital
I was posting my grandma's situation in my wedding blog.
Since the wedding is now over, I have more time now. ;)
My wedding related things will be posted on my wedding blog.
Other things will be posted back in my own blog.
Thanks for all your prayers!
My grandma's condition is a bit better.
Even though she is still not stable yet, but she seems to be more alert.
Doctors cannot use blood thinner on her yet. :( But they said the blood spot in her brain is around 2-2.5cm now... smaller than before...
She was eating jello & mike shake like food for 2 days, but she had to move back to tube feeding based on the speech specialist's assessment.
She has problem sleeping in the past few days... She can only fall asleep for 5-10 mins most of the time... May be it's because she cannot move her body...
Please continue to pray for her health!
Since the wedding is now over, I have more time now. ;)
My wedding related things will be posted on my wedding blog.
Other things will be posted back in my own blog.
Thanks for all your prayers!
My grandma's condition is a bit better.
Even though she is still not stable yet, but she seems to be more alert.
Doctors cannot use blood thinner on her yet. :( But they said the blood spot in her brain is around 2-2.5cm now... smaller than before...
She was eating jello & mike shake like food for 2 days, but she had to move back to tube feeding based on the speech specialist's assessment.
She has problem sleeping in the past few days... She can only fall asleep for 5-10 mins most of the time... May be it's because she cannot move her body...
Please continue to pray for her health!
Friday, August 27, 2010
Yesterday, I've downloaded a lot of photos from my blackberry to laptop...
I haven't downloaded any photos for months... decide to put some nice ones here...
Aug 15... Testing your eyesight... Can you see the rainbow inside the photo?
Took this one on July 26... on my way downtown to birthday dinner... :D
July 20... One big happy family living near my office...
With a nice front/backyard view...
July 11... A group of us were watching the World Cup Final at Wild Wings...
Took them on Metro Square Night Market... This is HK style smelly tofu...
I did try it, but it's not really that smelly. ;-)
Took this one on June 6... A happy human house... The person inside doesn't really look that happy... :P
I haven't downloaded any photos for months... decide to put some nice ones here...
Aug 15... Testing your eyesight... Can you see the rainbow inside the photo?
Took this one on July 26... on my way downtown to birthday dinner... :D
July 20... One big happy family living near my office...
With a nice front/backyard view...
July 11... A group of us were watching the World Cup Final at Wild Wings...
![]() |
CaCa: Hmmm... Which team should I support... Spain or Netherlands? |
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Ca Ca: Let's see which team is winning... |
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CaCa: Score is still 0:0?? Not fun... I rather play with blackberry... |
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Ca Ca: The teams haven't score anything... still 0:0... I am more fun to watch than them!! :) |
![]() |
CaCa: Game ended and it's still 0:0... need extra time... boring!! |
Took them on Metro Square Night Market... This is HK style smelly tofu...
I did try it, but it's not really that smelly. ;-)
Took this one on June 6... A happy human house... The person inside doesn't really look that happy... :P
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
A cheap weight-loss tip: Drink two glasses before every meal
A study shows that dieters who down two glasses of water before each meal shed more pounds than those who only count calories. While prescription-only weight-loss drugs cut the body’s ability to absorb fat or tinker with the brain’s chemistry, water simply fills up the stomach. Water is also, of course, calorie-free and readily available. Water drinkers ate 75 to 90 fewer calories per meal. Over the course of a day, this could amount to almost 300 calories - the equivalent of a Danish pastry or a pint and a half of beer.
For more info:
Mail Online
HK Yahoo News (in Chinese)
Since I want to lose more weight for my wedding, I should give this method a try! :D
For more info:
Mail Online
HK Yahoo News (in Chinese)
Since I want to lose more weight for my wedding, I should give this method a try! :D
In the past few days, I have heard a lot of sad news about the Philippine bus hijacking:
在馬尼拉(菲律賓),一名遭革職警官(Rolando Mendoza)在馬尼拉市區登上一輛巴士並挾持車上香港觀光客。 旅遊巴被脅持事件以流血告終...槍手被擊斃... 8名香港遊客死亡... 其他人受傷了...
It's very sad that most visitors from the hijacked bus are either hurt or died. It's even more sad that these casualties could have been prevented if the Philippine polices were more well trained and had acted properly.
Here are some articles of people talking about what could have been done if it was done properly:
退役飛虎:踩住同袍屍體都要上 解構菲警五大錯 斥行動遲緩
菲警認指揮無能樣樣差 裝備訓練不足 刺激兇徒 延誤救人
Sad accident ended with six broken families... :(
I am not a police and my police knowledge basically comes from TV shows...
Even I won't make some of those mistakes that the Philippine polices have made!
It's just common sense!!
On the other hand, it is also during these sad times where we see the goodness and bravery of people...
The brave tour guide who phone in for help...
The brave husband who died trying to stop the hijacker from killing people...
在馬尼拉(菲律賓),一名遭革職警官(Rolando Mendoza)在馬尼拉市區登上一輛巴士並挾持車上香港觀光客。 旅遊巴被脅持事件以流血告終...槍手被擊斃... 8名香港遊客死亡... 其他人受傷了...
It's very sad that most visitors from the hijacked bus are either hurt or died. It's even more sad that these casualties could have been prevented if the Philippine polices were more well trained and had acted properly.
Here are some articles of people talking about what could have been done if it was done properly:
退役飛虎:踩住同袍屍體都要上 解構菲警五大錯 斥行動遲緩
菲警認指揮無能樣樣差 裝備訓練不足 刺激兇徒 延誤救人
Sad accident ended with six broken families... :(
I am not a police and my police knowledge basically comes from TV shows...
Even I won't make some of those mistakes that the Philippine polices have made!
It's just common sense!!
On the other hand, it is also during these sad times where we see the goodness and bravery of people...
The brave tour guide who phone in for help...
The brave husband who died trying to stop the hijacker from killing people...
Sunday, August 8, 2010
Goshen Gospel Camp 2010 - Summary
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My blog posts:
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![]() |
Goshen Gospel Camp 2010 |
My blog posts:
Goshen Gospel Camp 2010 - Day 3
Day 3
We had eggs again for breakfast. Those eggs are fresh farm eggs from nearby free range chicken farm. They are very tasty!
Of course... we had everyone's favourite.... Cup Noodle again!
Take a look at the lineups...
We had a closing gathering before lunch.
Lunch was our final meal at Bliss Haven. We had
It was a very health lunch... ;-)
The drive back to Toronto was surprisingly good. There was no traffic jam at 401.
Guess how many cars we had inside the camp?
We had eggs again for breakfast. Those eggs are fresh farm eggs from nearby free range chicken farm. They are very tasty!
Of course... we had everyone's favourite.... Cup Noodle again!
Take a look at the lineups...
We had a closing gathering before lunch.
Lunch was our final meal at Bliss Haven. We had
- salad
- fried vegetable balls which are made from beans, spinach, onions, etc.
- spaghetti
It was a very health lunch... ;-)
The drive back to Toronto was surprisingly good. There was no traffic jam at 401.
Guess how many cars we had inside the camp?
Goshen Gospel Camp 2010 - Tour of the outside
During the free time on Day 2, I took lots of photos around the house.
Let me take you for the tour outside the house...
Front door...
Outside the back door...
This was where the owner did some of the cooking... especially cooking eggs in the morning...
Ancient stove...
I didn't think it's meant for adults...
The neighbor had a big field...
Can you guest what's growing in the field?
The field is growing green beans...
I've also found a pear or green apple tree.... However, each fruit looked very ugly...
Can you see what's hiding in the photo?
It's a rabbit!
So cute! :)
Let me take you for the tour outside the house...
Front door...
Outside the back door...
This was where the owner did some of the cooking... especially cooking eggs in the morning...
Ancient stove...
I didn't think it's meant for adults...
The neighbor had a big field...
Can you guest what's growing in the field?
The field is growing green beans...
I've also found a pear or green apple tree.... However, each fruit looked very ugly...
Can you see what's hiding in the photo?
It's a rabbit!
So cute! :)
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